You and I can speak directly to each other about your claim, free of charge.
Call now - (315) 475-3012.
All too often, nursing home facilities fail to provide the care that they promise. Vulnerable nursing home residents sometimes become victims of neglect and abuse at the hands of employees or other residents. The result can be a debilitating injury or wrongful death.
You or members of your family deserve to be treated with respect and compassion if they are residing in a nursing home. If they are mistreated or injured as a result of neglect or negligence, I am willing to diligently investigate and prosecute any potential claims against the nursing home and any other responsible parties.
Elder care is important to your family and most everyone will encounter elder care at some point in their life. Jim Fleckenstein, Attorney at Law can say that planning is crucial to ensure some form compensation or justice for your family members unfortunate circumstances. If you need an attorney to defend your elder, call Jim Fleckenstein, Attorney at Law today at 315-475-3012.
If you are concerned that your family-member has been neglected or abused, you need an experienced, aggressive attorney. Contact me today to schedule a free initial consultation. Call my Syracuse office, at 315-475-3012 for free advice on your claim.
You and I can speak directly to each other about your claim, free of charge. Call now - (315) 475-3012.
Contact Information
PHONE: (315) 475-3012
ADDRESS: 117 South State Street
Syracuse, NY 13202
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